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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mink Coat Prices

Corns and calluses are two different Mink Coat Prices health conditions although they may appear similar. A corn is usually caused due to increased friction. Therefore, it is more likely to be found on the top and sides of your toes. A corn has a maximum diameter of one inch and is characterised by an extremely hard central region, Mink Coat Prices surrounded by a patch of tender skin.

Whenpressure is applied to a corn,
Mink Coat Prices it may cause a great amount of pain. On the other hand, a callus is caused due to increased pressure and usually develops on the soles of the feet. The entire part of the sole, such as the heel or palm, develops thick layers of skin to cope with thepressure .

It is larger than a corn and the skin of a callus is thickened evenly.
Mink Coat Prices A callus does not have a particular size or shape. Also, a callus is usually not painful when it is pressed. However, if it continues to cause you pain, you should immediately contact a qualified professional and seek treatment.



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